Sunday, February 17, 2008

More sources on Anita Gay Shooting, part 1

Here are further local media news stories found on last night's Anita Gay shooting :

-'s 'Berkeley Officer Shoots Woman With Knife' found at
- The Daily Californian's 'Berkeley Police Officer Shoots, Kills Woman'found at

These seem to be fairly closely-honed repeats of the earlier-quoted KCBS and SFGate online sources on this story. Differences in the news' versions are whether they specifically rely in a more balanced fashion upon Berkeley Police spokesperson Sgt. Mary Kusmiss's official statements or upon members of Anita Gay's family and close friends in the neighborhood. Seems to me that to date, the SFGate news version of the shooting toes the line as far as going by Sgt Mary Kusmiss's official statements, and that the KCBS and The Daily Californian reporting of this got more of the story "on the ground" from Anita Gay's family and friends.
I'm wondering how the Berkeley Daily Planet will end up reporting this?

I find it fairly significant that the shooting comes at a time when the Berkeley Police force is left thin due to the ongoing demonstrations and counter-demonstrations over the Marine Corps Recruiting Center downtown (now being reported nationwide). As quoted in the same Daily Californian story as above:
The incident comes after a week when many Berkeley police officers worked overtime hours in response to a number of protests involving the Marine Corps recruiting center in Downtown Berkeley. On Tuesday night, at least 100 Berkeley police officers were stationed in front of the City Council chambers until 1a.m.

Getting close to nightfall now, and tomorrow is President's Day 2008, when many offices are officially closed for the National Holiday. During the daytime today, it was mostly quiet on the block of the shooting. A decent day out and people cycling and strolling around with family for the Holiday Weekend. Decently warm specifically in the sunlight once the morning cloud-cover and chill cleared up. Now its getting cool fast again. Neighbors were all aware of the news, and I wish some more reporters came by to ask we neighbors more of what really went on. Certainly did not see a significant police presence around my block or approaching Ward St., so nobody is really out to thwart or gag persons (e.g., neighbors, reporters, journalists, activists) from speaking out and gleaning further facts "on the ground". Would not hurt for reporters to elucidate neighborhood sentiment regarding this shooting more than just accepting the gravely serious one-liner, Berkeley police homicide detectives and the Alameda County District Attorney's Office are investigating the shooting. Yes, let's please completely trust a self-administered non-neutral investigating body with this!! /sarcasm here/

As an interesting aside as I follow this story of the Anita gay shooting, I actually found the above two news stories through the search site as found at instead of through the ubiquitous Google. The news' stories of this neighborhood shooting from using were in some ways *BETTER* than the ones found through my Google search. Now how about that?!
Google coders and proofreaders who may be reviewing this, beware: you really don't want to now start letting your search-engine-efficiency guard down now do you ?? :)

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