Friday, January 1, 2010

Various Plastics-related Sites

Various Plastics-related Sites

This blog webpage is here mostly for the purpose of safe and effective kombucha-brewing.
Also refer to one of my other blog webpages,
Kombucha Brewing Containers

- UC Berkeley Campus Recycling and Refuse Services' PDF-formatted document A Closer Look at Plastics

- Nearby Contra-Costa County's amazingly identical A Closer Look at Plastics

- Trusted.MD blog's Which plastic water bottles don't leach chemicals?

- The industry-sponsored and "official" Bisphenol-A website

- Article: BPA, Chemical Used to Make Plastics, Found to Leach from Polycarbonate Drinking Bottles Into Humans

- Similar BPA article as above from another source; BPA, Chemical Used to Make Plastics, Found to Leach from Polycarbonate Drinking Bottles Into Humans

- Comprehensive BPA-focused website Our Stolen Future: Background on BPA...

- NAPCOR's PET Safety FAQs (PET is another acronym for #1 PETE)

- Omega Nutrition's The Final Say On Plastics

- Greenpeace's Toxic Site list of Reports (with focus on the toxicity of PVC plastic)


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