Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Democratic Presidential Primary Election '08

Big election doings.

I'm a Democrat voting for Obama Barack.
Mostly because I find it difficult to avoid the strong sense that NY Senator Hillary Clinton is just a little too power-hungry and conniving.
She'll probably get most of the women vote on this Super Tuesday though.
Sheesh, all she had to see was her poll numbers slipping a little in New Hampshire, and she let out humble tears. Senator Hillary cried a little, and all of a sudden most of the Democratic New Hampshirites shed her their votes. Sympathy, I guess.

A two-part series of calmly-produced YouTube videos gets to the heart of Hillary Clinton's
real beliefs and tactics:
- The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (1of2) at http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=xq8aopATYyw
- The Shocking Video Hillary Does NOT Want You To See! (2of2) at http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=AMfUajhL24I

Too much stuff she keeps trying to bury.

Wonder how many more attempts in the future to bury her past with any newfound "Executive Privilege" ??

Should Hillary Clinton come out way ahead after today's Super Tuesday Democratic Primary (which BTW, I sincerely hope
SHE DOES NOT!), then I'd have to take a good hard luck at the leading Republican contenders.
Maybe even wish that NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg would consider entering the race -- now would Senator Hillary Clinton
REALLY go ahead and try to clandestinely bribe Mayor Bloomberg to keep him from doing so !!???? Naaaah, couldn't be!
(hmm, then again, maybe not so far-fetched)

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